Bi layer fabrics are used to ensure better clothing comfort in sports and active wears. High moisture transfer properties of these fabrics influence comfort properties and make them more functional. In this study, bi-layer knitted fabrics were developed with two types of yarns such as cotton (outer layer) and polypropylene (Inner layer) namely 20Ne/120D, 20Ne/240D, 40Ne/120D and 40Ne/240D combinations and their air, moisture and thermal transfer characteristics were studied. The comfort properties selected for testing and analysis were air permeability, thermal conductivity and moisture transmission properties such as moisture vapour transfer, wicking, wetting, water absorbency and drying. The sportswear was given to sports persons of volleyball, football, and basketball. Dampness, thermal and clammy sensations were studied and the ratings were analysed. The result of both subjective and objective testing indicates that the combination 40Ne/120D provides better comfort and can be preferred for active sportswear clothing for sports such as volleyball, basketball and football.
